My Story: "A Message to Deliver." 


My Story in a Nutshell.   My short story of awakening began in earnest early February of 2004.  In one instant, the whole universe opened up and I flew inside.  My mind’s relentless talking stopped, space appeared and my connection to everything became so close that the intensity of life ripped through me. I understood what we are seeking, that elusive "it".  My personal seeking was over, replaced with quiet, absolute knowing at it exists. I at once could "feel" people who are not immersed in the moment, I see them in different stages of suffering, stuck in a body that has locked in all of their stuff, past and future, keeping them from realize themselves. From the moment of my intense awakening, I was driven to deconstruct the universe within.  As I became more intimate with force  and tension I saw that it was a way in to awakening. I knew then that what I "got" was what others wanted, so I set out to teach it in a way that was unique, powerful and faster.

By March of 2005, this knowing pointed me to the world of fitness, what seems like an odd place to teach enlightenment was actually the perfect place. So I became a certified personal fitness trainer, to teach and train the deep connection to the intelligence of presence. I saw how I could use the “force” of movement in exercises to have people experience the elements of “the zone” "suffer" a bit very quickly it pry's opens something deeper inside. The body-mind thing when challenged through exercise contains a perfect framework that allowed me to teach this message of deep silence connecting to love.  The concept of Working-In, Working-Out™ came through several years of teaching in and out of the club. The club became more of a laboratory where I could try different ways to blend "words with action" ultimately moving someone towards "space" awareness. My intent was always progressing to simplify this complex reality but it was no easy feat I found out.



Listen or download my story and why I am here right now for you.

Whoa!! My (short) Story
Mark Lindquist